Seminars - Trainings

Starting  the  year-end business? - Now power for your sales - Create the right condition
                                                                  Book the right training for your team


Your goal
Areas of application
  The software
Top 1 :  first-class customer addresses
Top 2 :  
trained, motivated sales people           
Address maintenance (master data)        
Visualization customers (territories) 
        State of the Art: "P100-AddressValidation"
HERE maps: GIS from Maptitude
   Course  Seminar content
 Top 1 :      Day 1         Focus: Address maintenance (check - correct - add)
   In In this training you will learn all the techniques of a professional search, based on Microsoft Excel
   and the Excel program - "P100 Address Validation" of the company PROFIT100 Consulting GmbH. 
   You will learn to update your address database, be it from CRM, ERP etc., and enrich it with additional information.
                  Price: 800,- € / participant, incl. a 3 month license --> "P100 AddressValidation"icon pop up 
   -- >> Agenda (course) icon pop up 
 Top 2 :      Day 2   Focus on sales optimization
  You will learn how to display your customers, locations - address data on a HERE map (Maptitude), analyze them geographically.
  Optimized route planning, location finding will be explained..
               Price: 800,- € / participant, the GIS program -->  "Maptitude D-A-CH"icon pop up should be installed. 
                          -- >> Agenda (course) icon pop up
 Target group
     Active people in sales, marketing, management.  
     Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Office Excel.
  Please use your own Windows laptop for the training.
  A Chrome, Edge or Firefox browser and the following software should be installed before the seminar starts: 
  "P100 Address Validation"- 3-month license, you will receive this free of charge when registering for the seminar.
  in the training we also use these extremely useful tools for Microsoft Excel":
               "ASAP Utilities"icon pop up  and   "ABBYY Screenshot Readericon pop up 
 The instructor
Manfred  Manfred Sündorf   Dipl.-Ing. (MSc in Eng.)
 Entrepreneur of an (IT company) 110 employees - 40 million turnover - (sold to Bechtle in 1998)
 since 2000 Managing Director of the consulting company PROFIT100 Consulting GmbH
 with focus on sales optimization - clients DAX as well as medium-sized companies
 long time accredited consultant RKW, KFW

Open seminars            
--- will take place in  November in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Darmstadt ( subject to the number of participants )

Online seminars          --- with Zoom - dates can be found here from October 15 onwards 
Company seminars     --- bookable at any time by arrangement. Both in presence but also as ONLINE event.

If you are interested, please send us an  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.icon pop up. You will receive further information.